@KTzone » OG - 網上小遊戲 » Facebook 最強遊戲 - BattleStation

2009-1-7 20:33 capb
Facebook 最強遊戲 - BattleStation

擁有自己嘅飛船到各處冒險, 集最強裝備, 挑戰世界各地高手.
與好友組成團隊, 成為最強軍團.
立即加入, 一齊並肩作戰!

2009-1-10 12:37 capb
今個week end 有 special event, 大家記得上去check 吓.

2009-1-13 15:31 capb
thank you for those added :)

2009-1-19 22:56 capb
oh! we had a very nice weekend, looking forward to the Chinese New Year~!

2009-6-18 01:17 bscapb
it is nice, thank you :)

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