@KTzone » 计絏 - Android侯癚阶 » 计絏 - Android Apps » Dual Mount SD Widget v3.22 (3.22) Android Apk App | 1.09 MB

2011-7-18 10:14 bunnylai
Dual Mount SD Widget v3.22 (3.22) Android Apk App | 1.09 MB


[b]Dual Mount SD Widget v3.22 (3.22) Android Apk App | 1.09 MB[/b]
Requirements: Android OS 1.5 - 2.3
Overview: This widget Modifies a setting that will allow you to mount your SD card to your phone and PC/Radio/ect at the same time.[/align]

*Do Not Use android auto mount option*
Option to auto Mount on USB Connection
Option to run MediaScanner on Unmount.
Changes may not reflect on both devices instantly but are there.
Contact on Twitter for added support
**Working on Galaxy S Bug**

**DO NOT Move Widgets tot he Sdcard, they will stop working**


[url=http://www.filesonic.com/file/1462119251/d322.zip][color=#0000ff]**** Hidden Message *****[/color][/url]

ㄓ方 :dl4all

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