@KTzone » 數碼 - Android綜合討論 » 數碼 - Android Apps » Cydia Cracked Apps Deb's Pakage iPhone

2011-4-7 09:25 bunnylai
Cydia Cracked Apps Deb's Pakage iPhone

[align=center][b]Cydia Apps Package For iPhone[/b]
Size 42.45 MB
Cracked And Working[/align]

[align=left]No need to download apps from cydia..Installed new iOS just use phone explorer or Diskaid to copy paste these apps in:
SSH to root.
Open Media Folder.
Create "Cydia" Folder.
Within Cydia, create "AutoInstall" folder.
Place [App].deb inside "AutoInstall" folder.
Restart your phone, go to the app.. and enjoy..

[b]If above method doesnot work then install ifile from cydia. open ifile and go to folder where you placed the apps open and install with ifile.[/b]

[b]This package include apps:[/b]
activator 1.5.3
Fake Carier 1.3
Fontswape 1.5
MakeitMine 4.0
Mobile Terminal (new ios4.0 support)
Respring 4.0
Sbsetting 3.2.1
Status Notifier 3.1.2
Status Notifier 2.10
vWallpaper (set video as wallpaper and ringtone)
Winterboeard .98
Caller id fix ios 3xx
Flashlight 2.6
iBlacklist 4.0.5
iBlueNova 2.0.1
iBluetooth 1.0.8
Quick Lock 1.0.2
SIM Manager 2.3(new)[/align]


[b]    Torrent Mirror: [/b][url=http://torrent.dl4all.com/search/Cydia Cracked Apps Deb]Cydia Cracked Apps Deb's Pakage iPhone[/url]

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